Monday, July 31, 2006

Here is my recent conversation with BotD moderator it amused me so I thought I would share it.

Q said...
Can I nominate myself cause I think that I am blogtastic! and a little selfish.


If so it would be for

If I cannot then I nominate the internet love of my life, Karolina Lassbo for her awesomely great blog

8:08 PM

Famous Quotations said...
Q - You can nominate yourself - but you already won. We will take a look at Karolina Lassbo's site.

Thank you,

8:15 AM

Famous Quotations said...

I can't read Swedish - will have to ask my friend from Sweden to translate when I next see him.

8:27 AM

Q said...
I can't read swedish either.

9:57 AM

Famous Quotations said...
Oh, I guess I did not understand. I thought she (Karolina Lassbo) was your girlfriend.

I did not catch

"internet love of my life,"

I guess it does not have to be translated, eh, "the language of love?"

12:39 PM


Nate said...

Stand up to the Man, Q!

Cyber D said...

I often wonder if our humor translates to those unfamiliar with it. With Q's latest conversation with FQ it looks as if the jury is still out.

Q said...

I think they got it after I told them that I did not know swedish either. "The language of love", that was a pretty funny line. Also FQ, that is pretty funny too.

Cyber D said...

Thought you might like the FQ... not to be confused with F Q!

Q said...

Damn, I wish I knew swedish : )

Q said...

I know, it made my day. What did what you said above in swedish mean?

The Q!

Q said...

Also I am going to get a swedish to english dictionary tonight!