Friday, January 12, 2007

My answers for Fringes

Do you like John Denver? I can't say that I dislike him, but i have never considered myself a fan.
Can you have both Sunshine On My Shoulders and How Long Will They Mourn Me on the same mix CD? I can have many different things on a mix cd so my answer would unoubetly be yes. In my car I have my iPod nano playing through my radio, shuffled. So you might have some Chamillionaire follwed by the croonings of Dwight Yoakam.
Are you good with kids? Very, just ask CyberD.
Can you cook your butt off? Possibly, I have never tried.
Do you know anything about wine and other fine spirits? Not really. Honestly I am not a drinker, so myknowledge of such things is very limited.
Have you ever in your life had boxed wine with a little plastic spigot in your refrigerator? Sadly yes. One of my friends used to drink it often when he was at my house.
Have you ever offered your guests a drink from said spigot? Yes I did not wash dishes that often.


fringes said...

Ordinarily, the boxed wine answers would immediately disqualify you from crossing the security tape, but I'm in a happy place, so I'll continue considering your lovely declaration of possible love. You're funny and that's always worth 100 bonus points.

Q said...

Magnificent! I will do my best to prove myself worthy, so that I might one day be able to cross your tape of security.

Yours Truly,

Nate said...

I'd like to declare my support of the Q. He's a good hooplehead

Cyber D said...

John Denver is a good.