So I was thinking the other day about how money equates to work, and I came up with a theory that all work for money exchanges are equal. So if a guy works at McDonalds making 5.50 an hour while I go to college technically I am at a negative in my work/money equation, which is why when I graduate I can earn more than he does. Some people just stumble into money but somewhere along the way that money was worked for.
My problem is how to equate knowledge and work for purposes of determining intellegence needed for a job instead of brute force or menial labor. Oh well I guess that will be another day. CyberD feel free to comment on this since you are schooled in the ways of buisness.
I think we pay for pretty. Thats why I'm so damned rich!
I only pay for sexy...Oh, and urine sweet urine.
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