Thursday, October 19, 2006

I just love these things!

Your Hair Should Be Orange

Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.
You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices.


Cyber D said...

My funky hair color would be white!

"Classy, stylish, and eloquent.
You've got a way about you that floors everyone you meet."

Damn right!

Q said...

Fantastic! What an accurate assessment of you. Especially that last part, though they should have added that it is because you meet everyone from behind and with a violent karate chop to the spinal column.

Q said...

I love you CyberD.

Cyber D said...

By floors do you mean "impress" "shock" or literally knock to the floor for wild passionate action? Cause depending on the definition.... oh who am I kidding!