Thursday, August 31, 2006

What Kind of Hobby is...

Scrapbooking? What the fuck, who does this shit? I go to these mid 30's women's blogs and they all list scrapbooking as a hobby. What happens when they have scrapbooked all they can and then they have to make scrapbooks about scrapbooks. Back in my day these old maids would knit. At least then they could wear their hobby or at least it would keep them warm night after night, a scrapbook will only keep you warm for about 10 minutes. This hobby absolutely disgusts me, down to my core. I hate scrapbooking and all that it stands for. I am starting the Noble Organization For Us to Counter Keepsake Images in Notebooks, or N.O.F.U.C.K.I.N. Who's with me (Stands up and yells)?


Nate said...

once again, you are my hero

Dagromm said...

I kind of like scrapbooking or "booking" as we in the know call it.