Monday, October 30, 2006

CyberD I know you love this guy...

but he has something crazy going on with his eyes in this picture. Ects?


Cyber D said...

So why do you think I love this guy? Because I like LOTR? So does every other guy between the ages of 20 and 40 who ever played D&D in their entire lives. What makes me stand out in your blog title?

Q said...

CyberD, I am between 20-40 and have played D&D and I am not a huge LotR fan. Plus you named your blog after something Dr. Who related, you definitly love LotR.

Monstro D. Whale said...


LOTR is not D and D. I played D and D between the ages of 10 and 22 and in all those years I never once gave up three hours of my life to watch crying hobbits. Oh my God, could someone just kill the frickin' crying hobbits. And what about Gandalf! Seriously, did that guy know any spells. I mean there's this huge war and there he is WITH A SWORD! Geez, fireball, man...FIREBALL!

And was it just me or did anyone else think that Sam and Frodo were going to know, after they stopped CRYING!

Cyber D said...

You are the master of twisting language. I didn't say that every guy in that demographic was a "HUGE" LOTR fan. I said most guys in that demographic "like" LOTR and the simple fact that you used the annacronym LOTR (instead of spelling it out) reveals a modicum of appreciation you also have for the movie.

Thanks for taking another opportunity to throw Doctor Who under the bus. Again, I would argue that just because I like Dr. Who doesn't mean I've joined the fan-club of said actor in picture. Hell, I can't even spell his first name well enought to type it into my blog.

P.S. I think that actor is a douche.

P.P.S. You are right about one thing. I am a HUGE LOTR fan. ;)

Monstro D. Whale said...

Oh yeah, and I think that's why his eyes look like that. He's still a frickin crying hobbit. Honestly, if I ever get my hands around Peter Jackson's neck...

Cyber D said...

I also agree that LOTR is not D&D. LOTR was written before D&D was even a fart in Gary Gygax's brain. It also helped to define the genre as a whole and is one of the major creative sources for the orignial D&D game archtype. The movies are also one of the first times that Hollywood managed to do justice to the fantasy genre, making it more appealing to not only a wider audience but also to Hollywood insiders. Please see ticket sales and oscar awards for details.

I like D&D and LOTR for both common and different reasons. Mainly because Tolkien/Jackson and Gygax both created an amazing mythos that has captured the imagination of generations of young people. I too wasn't a big fan of crying hobits but I'm also not a big fan of ewoks either. You don't see me slamming Jedi.

Monstro D. Whale said...

Touche. Keep in mind I smoke. When a movie is over but there's still an hour left of movie (Return of the King), or some bad actor has to talk to every person, elf, and dwarf in Helm's Deep before he can move on, my nerves are set on edge by its...badness.

But you are right in the whole Tolkien/fantasy thing. Without it, you'd only have the knights of the the round table and maybe some ancient greek myths to make into D and D.

But that does not, on its own, justify crying hobbits. I still have nightmares.

Q said...

I don't think I twisted your language. But I give LotR props for creating this mythical world full of homosexual hobbits. Other than that I am not a fan of the whole thing. I believe you and I saw the last two movies together; along with that other guy who I didn't know. So I did go see them I just didn't think they were that great. Working in generalities is a horrible way to do business CyberD.

Cyber D said...

I don't work in generalities Q, YOU work in generalities.... You and your whole LOTR hating, child porn loving, Q family!

Seriously, I don't disagree with Monstro that the last two LOTR movies were way to long and (in parts) way to gay.

Q, regarding your lack of love for LOTR. Well shut my mouth and call me Susan! I didn't remember your level of hatred for all things Tolkien. My bad. I'll just be a little more careful next time I color the entire D&D population with broad brush strokes.

Q said...

Everyone has AIDS?

Nate said...

1) D and D is a ripoff of Middle Earth. Even Gygax admits it.

2) I hate admitting it, but one of most fun nights I've ever had was going into a movie theater and watching the extended "Fellowship" then the extended "Towers"and then the premiere of "Return"

All three extended editions sit on my shelf in DVD format and hold well to re-watching. I hate myself for acknowledging that.

Cyber D said...

Embrace your inner gay-hobbit, Gyuss.

Cyber D said...

Q, huh... aids?

Dagromm said...

I also agree with Monstro. Some of his complaints are very valid. What was Gandalf doing with a sword??? The Dungeon Master for that movie should have been fired on the spot. Next, where was his spell book that he should have been studying every night? And they never even addressed what level he was. That's just ridiculous.

Nate said...

Only one thing I ever wanted to see in the Dungeons and Dragons movie...magic missle!

Cyber D said...

I thought the Baldur's Gate video game did a great job of visualizing all the various spells from D&D, and seeing how that video game series is a direct production of D&D mythos, it is fun to see how they manifest themselves in real-time game terms.

Q said...

I just liked the female voices in BG, a new never winter nights came out yesterday!